Sideshow Swap!™ has been licensed to
Games by Bicycle – Available Now!

An original, deduction-style social game based on cunning and chance. Players take turns swapping performers and playing tickets in an effort to sabotage others, all while trying to discover and hold the top performer. Squirrel away money to play the best tickets and tilt the game in your favor. But beware! Other players are trying to ruin your plan, so it helps to keep track of where the best performers are as the chaos ensues. Cards are quickly and frequently changing between players, so you have to time your moves just right.

Sideshow Swap!™ has been licensed to
Games by Bicycle – Available Now!

An original, deduction-style social game based on cunning and chance. Players take turns swapping performers and playing tickets in an effort to sabotage others, all while trying to discover and hold the top performer. Squirrel away money to play the best tickets and tilt the game in your favor. But beware! Other players are trying to ruin your plan, so it helps to keep track of where the best performers are as the chaos ensues. Cards are quickly and frequently changing between players, so you have to time your moves just right.

Sideshow Swap! Game Components

Sideshow Swap!™ First Tour Edition

SOLD OUT! Sideshow Swap!™ First Tour Edition was our first game, and we’re very proud of what it’s become! We spent over a year developing, testing and refining it. It was successfully Kickstarted in 2019 and manufactured in 2020. We’ve since licensed the name, art and rules to Games by Bicycle and it’s currently being sold by them. Learn more about the First Tour Edition by following the link below.

See Sideshow Swap! First Tour Edition